Monday, 21 April 2014

28mm WW2 Germans - Part Two

The final instalment of the thousand year Reich ....

Wrapping up painting projects has been the focus of the last few months, primarily the stack of Bolt Action world war two models but also Dreadball players and some Ork bikes that we have been using with a set of rules we have developed ourselves ... in a nut shell the back log has been cleared down to only three outstanding projects, 19th Century sailing ships, 6mm WW2 (more WW2! *sigh*) and our brand spanking new 'A Very British Civil War' campaign. All this and I have moved mu workstation into my new study, don't you know! ... Anyway, I ramble on, my mobile column of German army reinforcements has now been finished. The Americans and Russians have now got a fight on their hands!!

Sd.Kfz 250/7 Neu Mortar Carrier half track ....

A little bit of mobile heavy support ...

I have modelled this so that the mortar and crew can be removed, giving me a separate mortar team and half track if needs be!

Schweres Wurfgerat 41 rocket launcher ...

The Americans named this weapon the 'The Howling Cow' ... due to the interesting noises the rockets would make as the flew overhead.

Not quite as accurate as the mortars, requiring a 6 to hit on every roll, this weapon does do a lot of damage to everything within 6" of the aim point!

Artillery/air observer and medic ...

I've been holding these two models for an absolute age, finally finishing them with the rest of my German reinforcements  ... probably because while the air observer has the entirety of the Luftwaffe to call on in support ... this consists of only three ME109s ...

and that's it, Bolt Action painting finished for a while ... and now it's VBCW!!

Thursday, 17 April 2014


The Pennygate Pneumatics ...

So, we're a few weeks away from the opening game of our first Dreadball season ( and all four of us will actually have fully painted teams ready to start! (I offered my painting services to some our less 'brush friendly' members..)

My side is the Pennygate Pneumatics, a team of shape changing robots! Which, one would hope, will give me the advantage over my opposition!!

We also have The Regent Street Warrior ably coached by Dan ...

... The WAAARGH! led by Mark ...

... and last, but by no means least, the K.A.W.G (Kick Ass and Win Games) masterminded by Mr Clay..

Our aim is to run a Dreadball night once a month in a league format... more to follow ...

Friday, 4 April 2014

28mm WW2 German SS

While TNMC continues with the X-wing miniatures game, the painting desk is filled with projects reinforcing the Germans defending Normandy...

First up, a Marder III (cheap, mobile, anti-tank) ... a great little model from Warlord games, painted with an eye to the crew slapping on a last minute camoflage scheme..

... and a small squad of SS, just because, you know, you can't go into battle without them! I learned two valuable lessons with these, firstly, a good plan for the peadot camo scheme is a must ... however, secondly, be patient and wait for your Vallejo colours to arrive. Using the wrong green can ruin your day!!